This Privacy Notice tells you what to expect when you apply for a grant from the Centre for Applied Human Rights at the University of York. For details of how your personal information is used in other ways, please see additional  University Privacy Notices at:

What data do we have?

Personal data which you have provided to us in the course of your project proposal.

What is our legal basis for processing your data?

Our basis for processing this data is on the grounds of contractual requirement (or to take steps to enter into a contract with you) and because it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (for information on our public task see our function as set out in our charter).

How do we use your data? 

Your data will be used to assess your grant application. 

Who do we share your data with? 

Applications for the Art + Activism against repression during the COVID-19 crisis will be processed by administrative staff in the Centre for Applied Human Rights. The applications will be shared with the decision making panel, made up of senior members of the academic staff within the Centre

How do we keep your data secure?

The University takes information security seriously and has implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data and special category data. Access to information is restricted on a need-to-know basis and security arrangements are regularly reviewed to ensure their continued suitability. For further information see

Transfer of data internationally

In certain circumstances it is necessary to transfer your Personal Data (including Special Category Data) outside the European Economic Area. In respect of such transfers the University will comply with our obligations under Data Protection Law and ensure an adequate level of protection for all transferred data.

How long will we keep your data?

Project Proposals will be kept for the duration of the grant, plus one year. 

What rights do you have in relation to your data?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have a right of access to your data, a right to rectification, erasure (in certain circumstances), restriction, objection or portability (in certain circumstances). You also have a right to withdraw consent (where this applies).

Questions or concerns

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or concerns about how your data is being processed, or if you wish to exercise your rights in relation to your data, please contact the Centre Manager at

If you have further questions, the University’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Right to complain

If you are unhappy with the way in which the University has handled your personal data, we ask you to contact us in the first instance, so that we can try to put things right. If you are unhappy with our response, you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. For information on reporting a concern to the Information Commissioner’s Office, see